Query Builder topic


ArrayExpression Query Builder
Array expression.
ArrayExpressionIn Query Builder
Represents the IN clause of a range predicate.
ArrayExpressionSatisfies Query Builder
Represents the SATISFIES clause of a range predicate.
ArrayFunction Query Builder
Factory for creating array function expressions.
AsciiCollation Query Builder
ASCII collation compares two string by using binary comparison.
AsyncFrom Query Builder
Version of From for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncFromRouter Query Builder
Version of FromRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncGroupBy Query Builder
Version of GroupBy for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncGroupByRouter Query Builder
Version of GroupByRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncHaving Query Builder
Version of Having for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncHavingRouter Query Builder
Version of HavingRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncJoinRouter Query Builder
Version of JoinRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncJoins Query Builder
Version of Joins for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncLimit Query Builder
Version of Limit for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncLimitRouter Query Builder
Version of LimitRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncOrderBy Query Builder
Version of OrderBy for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncOrderByRouter Query Builder
Version of OrderByRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncQueryBuilder Query Builder
The QueryBuilder for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncSelect Query Builder
Version of Select for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncWhere Query Builder
Version of Where for building AsyncQuerys.
AsyncWhereRouter Query Builder
Version of WhereRouter for building AsyncQuerys.
Collation Query Builder
Factory for creating collations.
CollationInterface Query Builder
Collation defines how strings are compared and is used when creating a COLLATE expression.
DataSource Query Builder
Factory for creating data sources.
DataSourceAs Query Builder
A Query data source, with the ability to assign it an alias.
DataSourceInterface Query Builder
A Query data source.
Expression Query Builder
Factory for creating expressions when building Querys through the QueryBuilder.
ExpressionInterface Query Builder
Represents an expression when building a Query through the QueryBuilder.
From Query Builder
A query component representing the FROM clause of a Query.
FromRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining FROM clauses.
FullTextFunction Query Builder
Factory for creating full-text search function expressions.
Function_ Query Builder
Factory for creating function expressions.
GroupBy Query Builder
A query component representing the GROUP BY clause of a Query.
GroupByRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining GROUP BY clauses.
Having Query Builder
A query component representing the HAVING clause of a Query.
HavingRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining HAVING clauses.
Join Query Builder
Factory for creating JOIN clauses.
JoinInterface Query Builder
Represent a JOIN clause in a Query.
JoinOnInterface Query Builder
Represents the ON clause of JOIN clause.
JoinRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining JOIN clauses.
Joins Query Builder
A query component representing the JOIN clauses of a Query.
Limit Query Builder
A query component representing the LIMIT clause of a Query.
LimitRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining LIMIT clauses.
Meta Query Builder
Factory for creating expressions of metadata properties of a document.
MetaExpressionInterface Query Builder
A document metadata expression.
OrderBy Query Builder
A query component representing the ORDER BY clause of a Query.
OrderByRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining ORDER BY clauses.
Ordering Query Builder
Factory for ordering expressions of the ORDER BY clause of a query.
OrderingInterface Query Builder
Represents on of the expressions in the ORDER BY query clause.
PredictionFunction Query Builder Enterprise Edition
A prediction function expression, which represents a call to a PredictiveModel.
PropertyExpressionInterface Query Builder
A property expression.
QueryBuilder Query Builder
Entry point for building Querys through the query builder API.
Select Query Builder
A query component representing the SELECT clause of a Query.
SelectResult Query Builder
Factory for select results.
SelectResultAs Query Builder
Allows the specification of an alias for a select result value.
SelectResultFrom Query Builder
Allows the specification of the data source of a select result value.
SelectResultInterface Query Builder
Represents a single return value of a SELECT statement.
SortOrder Query Builder
Allows the specification of the direction of an ordering expression.
SyncFrom Query Builder
Version of From for building SyncQuerys.
SyncFromRouter Query Builder
Version of FromRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncGroupBy Query Builder
Version of GroupBy for building SyncQuerys.
SyncGroupByRouter Query Builder
Version of GroupByRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncHaving Query Builder
Version of Having for building SyncQuerys.
SyncHavingRouter Query Builder
Version of HavingRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncJoinRouter Query Builder
Version of JoinRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncJoins Query Builder
Version of Joins for building SyncQuerys.
SyncLimit Query Builder
Version of Limit for building SyncQuerys.
SyncLimitRouter Query Builder
Version of LimitRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncOrderBy Query Builder
Version of OrderBy for building SyncQuerys.
SyncOrderByRouter Query Builder
Version of OrderByRouter for building SyncQuerys.
SyncQueryBuilder Query Builder
The QueryBuilder for building SyncQuerys.
SyncSelect Query Builder
Version of Select for building SyncQuerys.
SyncWhere Query Builder
Version of Where for building SyncQuerys.
SyncWhereRouter Query Builder
Version of WhereRouter for building SyncQuerys.
UnicodeCollation Query Builder
Unicode Collation that will compare two strings by using the Unicode collation algorithm.
VariableExpressionInterface Query Builder
A variable in an ArrayExpression.
Where Query Builder
A query component representing the WHERE clause of a Query.
WhereRouter Query Builder
Interface for creating and chaining WHERE clauses.